Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A Cool Tip When Using Restaurant.com

I like to get the restaurant.com gift certificates for travel. However, you don't always know where the restaurants are compared to where you will be staying. You can put the addresses into Yahoo's map finder but that takes a while and you can only really do one at a time. I found this cool application online that will plot the addresses that you enter onto a map. Go to myrouteonline.com and you can enter as many addresses you like to plot for free. You can just enter the address, city and state and the application will add the zip. It is great to get a visual indicator of where everything is at. Then you can printscreen your page and paste it to Word to print out. You then have a nifty list of all your necessary travel addresses to put into your GPS all in one place.

I am sure that there is probably a better application out there that will do this more conveniently, but I have yet to find it.

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