Saturday, June 30, 2012

Places to Visit to Keep Cool!

It's been miserably hot here in the South this week (over 100 degrees), and I can't even remember the last time we had rain. My lawn is crunchy now. My super athletic neighbor even cancelled her canoe trip because it is just too hot. So I thought I would share my list of places to go to keep cool!

1. Movie Theater - Many movie theaters have specials for kids during the summer. The movies may not be the most recent but the air conditioning is great.
2. Library - Most libraries not only have books but also computers for the kids to play games on. It's easy to spend an entire afternoon in quiet, cool peace.
3. Mall - Some malls even have a small indoor play ground for smaller children.
4. Local Recreation Center - If not free, often you can go without having a membership but just pay a small fee. There is usually an indoor and outdoor pool. Our Rec Center has a video game room where kids can gather and play video games.
5. Museum - Check your local museums for free days. In Nashville, the Tennessee State Museum is free and always has something interesting to see. It is housed in the bottom three levels of a building downtown below street level and is always frigid to visit.
6. Bowling Alley - You can usually find summer discounts for kids at your local bowling alley.
7. Skating Rink - Check out your local skating rink for discount days. Better yet, if you have an ice skating rink, go there!
8. Caving - If you are lucky enough to live near a cave and are feeling adventurous, the temperature underground is always cool. My kids love it.
9. McDonald's - Ours has an indoor air conditioned playroom! It also has wi-fi access.
10. Visit a Friend - Misery loves company. At least you have someone to complain about the weather with. Better yet, if your friend lives out of town in a cooler climate!

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