Monday, September 28, 2009

Protecting Your Family's Finances in Case Something Happens to You

Most people don't like to think about death. I suspect that much of my audience is young to middle age adults. Planning for severe accidents/illness and death is not a high priority. If you love your family, you should plan now for just such a possibility. I say this to myself just as much as you.

While flipping through my free subscription to O Magazine, I found some advice and a great offer from Suze Orman. On page 66 or the October Issue, she has offered a Gift Code, 898989, for her online Will & Trust Kit for one week only (Sept 27 - October 3). Please take advantage of this offer. You and your spouse will need separate accounts to both fill out individual forms. Go to and click on the Will & Trust link. She makes it very easy to understand and create the documents necessary to protect your family.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I completely agree. We set up trusts, power of attorney, medical decision makers and guardianship for our kids, plus a will while following Suze Orman's 9 Steps to Financial Freedom.

Hopefully it won't be needed, but you can't leave that stuff to chance. Can you imagine if your kids lost both their parents and then did not know where they would live or who would care for them?! Our kids know that we love them and are planning to be around for a long time, but if necessary, plans have been made and as they have gotten older, they have helped make those plans. We even changed who are guardians would be based on input from our now teen & preteen.

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