Sunday, November 7, 2010

Menu Plan Monday 11/8/10 Time Change Addition

I dread this week all year long. I hate leaving work at dusk and picking up my kids in pitch black. I know the time on the clock says 5-ish. but it still makes me feel like a terrible mother. I don't understand why we bother with a time change, research shows that it doesn't save money but actually costs money. Oh well, to make it a bit easier I use my crock pot more for the next few weeks.

Monday: Crock Pot Root Vegetable Ground Beef Stew
Tuesday: Southwest Black Bean Soup
Wednesday: Slow Cooker Marmalade Curry Chicken
Thursday: Crockpot Ham & Beans
Friday: Crockpot Cream Cheese Chicken
Saturday: Cheeseburger Bread (kid's favorite)
Sunday: Spaghetti

1 comment:

Annett/ Fit Moms Fit Kids Club said...

Marmalade curry chicken..sounds good. my kids just taped a web show with some other kids and they made curry shrimp in lettuce wraps they were great! But, the MARMALADE part sounds delicious in yours!

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