Friday, June 5, 2009

My Shopping List

Everyone has their own way of shopping and I thought I would share mine in case it may inspire someone else. Generally, I will check out the other bloggers on Wednesday to see what coupon match-ups to sales are available. Wednesday evening after I put the kids to bed I will come up with the deals I like that week. Thursday evening I come up with my shopping list when I compare the deals to what I actually have in my coupon binder or what I can print from the web.

I create my shopping list in Excel so I can easily calculate the discounts and final cost. It is already set up and all I have to do is put in the item and coupons and it calculates everything for me. It really doesn't take much time at all if I'm organized. I don't always go to all the stores that I come up with a scenario. I also pad my list with extra items if I am trying to get to a certain amount to use a $$/$$ coupon since not everything is usually available. Here is this weekend's list (click to enlarge):


Momma J said...

Would you be willing to share that Excel page? I keep our budget and my meal plan on Excel already so that would help me SO much. If not, I'm sure I'd eventually get around to making one...someday!

Dr. Mom said...

Sure! Just give me your email and I will send you a copy on Monday.

Momma J said...

You can email me at Thanks!!

Sarah Eliza @ devastateboredom said...

Ohhh ditto, can I ask for a copy of your spreadsheet template too? My way of keeping track of my shopping list, coupons, etc, is nowhere near that organized... but it would be nice if it was...

And I heartily applaud your excel-lence. ;P

Event Mom said...

Your excel sheet is great. Would you e-mail to me, please?

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