Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Red Door: What's Your Sexy?

So my BFF from college who lives in Florida went with some friends and had her photo taken at Red Door. The pictures are fantastic. You can host a party with up to 10 of your married girlfriends and take turns making beautiful, sexy photos. It is in Ft. Myers. Check out the website. I won't tell you which one is my friend to protect the not so innocent! The photos are gorgeous and they obviously had a grand time. What a fun girls night out!


Melissa said...

did you get the email from Omaha saying they are cancelling the free part of the order! ughh they said you can't combine a free with a gift card!

Dr. Mom said...

That stinks! I suspect people in marketing thought that no one could find anything for $25 when they made the deal with Geico, expecting the consumer to purchase more than that amount. Unfortunately for them, they did not anticipate the match up of the eBates deal with the Geico deal. I bet they have been slammed.

Michelle from RED DOOR said...

You are right RED DOOR boudoir parties are an absolute blast!!! And hostesses earn FREE pictures!
We provide the wine and
hor' deuvres and a private evening in our downtown studio and you define the sexy! Call for details at 239-985-0602 or visit us the web

Great Deal on Pork Roasts at Food Saver This Week!

With the food prices about to rise dramatically due to the draught out West, you may want to stock up on this great deal.  Food Saver has po...