Friday, April 3, 2009

Good News Friday!

How many times have you heard about global warming caused by the abuse of our environment, destroying wilderness, etc., etc.? Did you know that Africa is 28% still wilderness? Did you know that North American is 38% wilderness? Cool, huh? Here is an interesting quote:

"Once you travel beyond the sprawling exurbs of America, you'll find plenty of open space and peaceful forest. Many of the prairies and woodlands cleared by settlers have returned now that the land is no longer needed for agriculture [due to farmers growing more food at a lower cost through modern farming techniques].

In recent decades, America has gained 70 million acres of wilderness, which is more than all the land currently occupied by cities, suburbs, and exurbs, according to Peter Huber, a fellow at the Manhattan Institute. And more people than ever can get to that wilderness because of a technology that we now routinely curse...the modern automobile."

-It's a Wonderful Life, Reader's Digest, February 2009

1 comment:

Leah said...

i never post a comment, but i really love the segements you've been posting from reader's digest!'s nice to hear some good news about our world for once...and i'm a little biased because i've loved reader's digest since i was a little girl!

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