Monday, January 12, 2009

Walgreens Scenario 1/12/09

There are a number of free things at Walgreens this week that I want to take advantage. Here is my scenario. Click to enlarge.

Here is the mail in rebate for the air freshener from the manufacturer (with WAGs rebate this means that you will be paid back twice for the same product):
Sopus Products MIR for Vent Fresh Elite

If you are interested in taking advantage of WAG's Pepsi deal, this printable may help you:

Pepsi One, 12pk of 12oz cans $1.00/1 Rolling Printable

Here is the printable for Aquafresh:

$1/1 Aquafresh White & Shine

WAGs Ad coupons are from their paper advertisement

WAGs Easysaver coupons are from the booklet at the front of the store. You only need one coupon to apply it to mulitple purchases of the same product.

Not considering tax, but if I submit for the rebates (which I will), I will actually make $3.04 profit on this transaction.

1 comment:

Brenda said...

Great deals! I'm definitely going there for the equal - it's the only sweetener I like in my coffee!

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